In the Whisper of Hearts. Dedicated to Nicole Toroosian. The Nike Story™ is The untold mythical story of the Goddess Nike. Alis volat propriis. ‘In the Whisper of Hearts’ is sung by the goddess Nike. It is a dirge calling out for something somewhere in the someone who has not appeared yet. It is the ‘sister’ song of ‘Scenes of a Dream’ which sways the unnamed and unknown man to venture out and find the something somewhere in the someone who is not who she seems. Here presented is the opening verse of the song.

This song is followed by a dialogue between Zeus and the Oracle, where the Oracle foresees the end of the God-inspired world. Thereafter, Zeus departs and the Oracle begins a narrative that recounts the history of the world and the role the goddess Nike has in the grand scheme of things.


Nike Story™ dedicated to Nicole Toroosian. Home. Dedication. Story. Musical. Additional Material. Additional Music. Goddess Nike.

The Introduction to the Nike Story™. The Nike Story™. The Nike Musical. For Nicole, The Dedication of the Nike Story™. Additional Music for the Nike Story™ Additional Material for the Nike Story™. Additional Music for the Nike Story™. Additional Material for the Nike Story™. The Nike Musical. The Nike Story™. The Introduction to the Nike Story™.