The Gods' Paean. Dedicated to Nicole Toroosian. The Nike Story™ is The untold mythical story of the Goddess Nike. Alis volat propriis. The Gods' Paean. A paean is a solemn chant in reverence to a god, goddess or a state of affairs. The three paeans appear successively and give us a general view on how the men and the  gods regard Nike and what her own thoughts are.

The Gods' paean, a combined choral chant, is lusty and superficial and right from the outset it ogles at the goddess Nike and ends with ravishing intent.


Nike Story™ dedicated to Nicole Toroosian. Home. Dedication. Story. Musical. Additional Material. Additional Music. Goddess Nike.

The Introduction to the Nike Story™. The Nike Story™. The Nike Musical. For Nicole, The Dedication of the Nike Story™. Additional Music for the Nike Story™ Additional Material for the Nike Story™. Additional Music for the Nike Story™. Additional Material for the Nike Story™. The Nike Musical. The Nike Story™. The Introduction to the Nike Story™.